
Warning Systems


Tyre Pressure Management System

Monitor tyre pressure from the cab on the fly. Rearsense has paired up with one of the leading suppliers of tyre pressure management systems from the USA. The system is very simple: Sensors are put on the end of the valve in replacement of the valve cap. They report tyre pressure and temperature via RF to a monitor in the cab. If there is a significant change in pressure (12.5% and 25%) it alerts with an alarm. The monitor will advise the operator which tyre has changed pressure and of current pressure.

The system has the following key benefits:

  • Alerts the driver of any change – allowing them to react early. This avoids the costly and unsafe situation of a tyre blow out or running a tyre flat.
  • Allows easy & regular monitoring of tyre pressure – ensuring the vehicle is at the optimum pressure, improving tyre life and increasing fuel efficiency.

This system can also be connected to a fleet management system, allowing instant information to be transmitted and alerts being sent to a central point. We currently have this system operating with C track.


For more information check out our supplier’s website and the US Highway Traffic Safety administration’s report on tyre pressure management systems.